
Ch.12 - Hide from The Horrors

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Chapter Twelve -Hide From The Horrors

As Roxie had predicted Ratchet, Will and Chromia were livid from worry. Roxie had to fight back hysteric laughter when Sunstreaker had stopped in in the middle of her lecture and Ratchet had chased him out by throwing a massive wrench at his head. Ratchet had caught a glimpse of a smile and lectured her even more, Will had given her a small lecture about common sense in unfamiliar territory and Chromia had told her that next time she wanted to go off exploring she should take her or one of her sisters to go with her. As punishment Roxie was sent to her shared quarters for the night. On her way to the room she came across Tools who looked absolutely relieved to see her, he'd offered to walk with her and she declined saying," Just because I'm still young enough to get grounded, didn't mean she wasn't a big enough girl to walk to her room by herself." She'd left Tools laughing but still a little disappointed.

All the fresh air and the emotional trip down memory lane had worn Roxie out enough to put her to sleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. She vaguely remembered the triplets coming in and scanning her before going to sleep themselves. Dreams of her mother and father let her sleep peacefully for the remainder of the night.

The next morning Roxie was pleased to find herself awake before the triplets, it only lasted a few seconds before they woke up from the sound of her movements. Transforming to stretch Arcee greeted," Morning Rebel, how was your recharge?"

"I slept pretty good thanks. And that's a new name, when did I earn that title?" Roxie saw the smile from their face plates and got a little worried.

"Jolt was on the obstacle course late last night, we asked him what's got his circuits in a twist and his response was ' the little red haired femme is a ticking time rebel.' What did you say or do to earn that kind of impression from him Roxie?" Flareup explained all this with a slightly bigger smile than the other two. It was the first time Roxie had seen such an adoring smile on the femme and inwardly made a note of it.

Using her hands to finger comb her hair in front of the small mirror they'd put up for her Roxie replied," Probably from when he told me to go 'report' to Ratchet, Will and Chromia and I asked when I'd become a soldier that could be ordered around. His response was really cold even though I wasn't even being serious when I asked." The triplets had lost their smiles when she explained, Roxie got the feeling that she'd said something wrong.

Rolling closer to Roxie Flareup told her softly," When it comes to authority is very strict. Back on Cybertron something happened that made Jolt put authority on the top of his list. In the future you might want to keep any comments about orders to yourself."

"I won't ask more about it but I'll take your words to heart. Galloway is suppose to leave today right, when will that be?" Roxie made sure to remember Flareup's words for future encounters with Jolt, but to also ask about when she got a minute or two alone with Ratchet.

Smiling once more Arcee answered," The pit spawned human leaves at one. We all go and wave him off with big smiles since it bothers him." The triplets all giggled at all the times that Galloway had scowled out the window at all the happy soldiers and Cybertronians.

"Excellent. What should I do to hide until he's gone then?" Roxie had finished getting dressed in a pair of jeans, her robot shirt and her jean jacket over top.

At the question the triplets exchanged a look that Roxie could only define as 'I told you so.' Without warning they lunged forward and grabbed Roxie. Holding her above their heads they zipped out of their room, out of the second floor and out of the main hangar. On their way they passed Optimus and Will who stopped mid conversation to watch them go by. Pointing after the collection of females Will asked," Where are they taking Roxie?"

Optimus asked the triplets and told him their answer," Arcee and Flareup want to see Roxanne's capabilities on their obstacle course."

"WHAT?! They will do no such thing or I'll weld their afts to the brig bars!" Ratchet had just stepped out of the med bay to give Optimus the weekly report when he'd heard the question and answer. He dropped the data pad altogether and went stomping after them. Will and Optimus followed after to make sure Ratchet didn't get too wrench happy.

Finally back on her feet Roxie took in her surroundings. Stretched out in front of her was a runway that made sharp turns, was covered in ramps and had guns ranged on the sides. A very large smile spreading across her face Roxie asked," Really?! You're really going to let me run it?!"

"Only on the first setting. The guns won't fir at you. Chromia says you've got some sweet moves on a bike. We want to see it with our own optics." Arcee pointed behind Roxie to where her bike and helmet were.

"I accept your challenge." Without a second thought Roxie ran over to her bike, threw on her helmet and revved her engine. Just as she took off Ratchet, Optimus and Will came around the corner.

"You three better hope she doesn't get hurt, or you'll be in the brig longer than either set of twins ever has." Ratchet's threat fell on deaf audio receptors as everyone watched the girl take on the triplet's obstacle course.

Free to go at an exhilarating speed Roxie let her past street chases play into her mind. Each turn was made effectively with no loss of speed, including a sharp u-turn. When the first ramp came into view she hit the 110mph mark. Up in the air Roxie felt incredible, everything left her mind right up until her tires touched down again. On the next turn she was nearly around the corner when  a small explosion went off right behind her. She glanced behind her and saw a perfect hole in the tarmac with scorch marks around the rim.

By this time almost all of the Autobots had come to watch as well as Tools and Epps. When the explosion went off Tools felt his heart drop, turning to the triplets who looked a little worried he asked," I thought you said it was put on the first setting?!"

"It is, but even on the first setting the land mines work." Ironhide had answered since the triplets were completely focused on Roxie, revving up in case they needed to go help her at a moment's notice. Ironhide had come out to the obstacle course to watch Chromia, he was more than surprised to find them as well as Ratchet, Optimus, Will, Epps and Tools watching someone else on the course. Seeing the familiar bike he just about demanded why they were letting an untrained civilian do something so dangerous. He'd stopped himself when Roxie had made a perfect u-turn and flown off the ramp to keep going.

"If she survives you might want to think of making a level 0 setting so the land mines don't go off!" Tools yelled this when two more mines went off a second after Roxie had gone over them. Like all the others watching he had to admit she was handling herself pretty well, but that didn't stop his heart from having minor panic attacks whenever she got to another turn and another mine went off.

"Relax Tools, the course is finished once she gets over the last ramp and goes over the three consecutive land mines." Sideswipe said all this casually. Him and Sunstreaker had joined the spectators right at the point where the first land mine went off, though Sunstreaker made sure to keep himself a ways from the group since there were humans.

"Three?! Consecutive?!" Tools was on the brink of ripping his hair out. If she survived the ramp and mines he was going to dismantle her bike's engine and hide all the parts. He'd fixed up her bike to keep her safe, not so she could go driving into death!

The last ramp gave Roxie just as much adrenaline as the last two, only more since another explosion had gone off right before she got into the air. Knowing what to look for she spotted the three holes that were close together and veered to the left of them, what everyone, Autobots included, had forgotten about was the surprise mine that Skids and Mudflap had planted on either side of the three mines as a way to get back at Arcee for a prank she had pulled on them. It went off before the back tire could get over it sending the bike flipping forward rear end first and Roxie went flying to land on her back.

Ratchet, Chromia, Ironhide, Will and Tools took off the second the explosion went off. Roxie sat up just as they reached her, pulling off her helmet to show she still had her smile with flushed cheeks she asked," What was my time? Can I do it again?"

Will and Tools sighed in relief and helped her get up. "You will not be doing the course again young lady. From here on I'm prohibiting any humans from using this course. Am I clear?" Ratchet crossed his arms and glared down at Roxie and Chromia.

"Fine Dr. Killjoy, I won't run this obstacle course again. Please stop scanning me, my batteries are running low so I can hear that horrible sound even louder." Ratchet and Ironhide had scanned Roxie at the same time to make sure she hadn't sustained any damage besides the slight bruising she was going to get on her back.

Flareup, Arcee and Optimus joined them looking pleased that she wasn't hurt. "If you didn't catch that last land mind you would have been two second off from Chromia's time when she does the course on the third setting." This got another glare from Ratchet because Flareup was more or less encouraging her.

"I take it that's a good thing?"

"Good? Girl, you put Tools, Lennox and Epps to shame." Sideswipe had come over as well leaving his twin to go their obstacle course. (The triplets had their own since they needed to work on manuevering and speed to keep themselves alive.) The three men named scowled up at Sideswipe but didn't deny it. They'd each done the obstacle course, even on the second setting, but hadn't done or even looked that good doing it.

Smiling ear to ear at the praise Roxie felt great, then she spotted a figure approaching them and ran behind Ironhide's foot to hide. Having seen that reaction before they all turned around to create a wall between the liaison and Roxie was a curled up little ball. Reaching them Theodore Galloway asked," Is something of importance happening that warranted everyone to meet out here?"

"No, can't a few bots and people watch another bot go about their training?" Tools was the one to ask in a snappish tone. Him and Galloway were never going to be civil towards each other so didn't bother to try.

Galloway gave Tools a sour look but didn't bother to give him much attention than that. "Optimus, I wish to speak to you in private concerning a few incidents concerning"

Optimus groaned inwardly and felt sympathy over the comm.line. He sucked it up and reminded himself of what the man had done to deserve the pranks, even the one Sideswipe and Sunstreaker had done to screw up the helicopter navigation system. "Very well Galloway, lead on." Pleased he could finally complain about the mistreatment he's been getting since he'd arrived Galloway walked back towards the main hangar with Optimus behind him, kinda.

Will and Tools waited until Galloway was around the corner then went over to where Roxie sat in her little ball. Crouching down Will put a hand on her back," It's okay, he's gone. Maybe you should work more on Annabelle's present until he leaves."

Roxie nodded in agreement and went with Tools back to his work room."There has to be a way to get rid of Galloway. At this rate the thought of getting caught by Galloway will scare her more than getting caught by the Decepticons."

Ironhide had to fight the urge to go after Galloway and make his hologram a reality. Roxie's escalated heart rate and shallow breathing had reminded him how much she feared the stupid man even with all of them present.

"Both Optimus and myself have sent messages to the president requesting a new liaison but we haven't heard anything back from him. At least he's leaving today and Roxie can have a few days to breathe in peace." Will agreed with Ironhide, Roxie would only be able to handle so many close encounters with Galloway before asking to be brought back to the main land. They wanted Roxie to feel as a guest and not a prisoner, if she asked to leave Optimus wouldn't refuse her. And he knew he couldn't refuse her either.

In Tools' work room Roxie gave Tools a list of all the materials she would need as well as the equipment. She was pleased when Tools pointed out all the equipment was already there and that he would only need to ask Ratchet for two of the materials. Everything else on the list was already in the room. Once Tools came back with the materials she got to work for the next five hours.

Wiping sweat from her forehead Roxie looked down at her handiwork. From the work she'd done that morning she had finished the metal encasement for the mp3 player, which she'd shaped into a small truck closely resembling Ironhide. Proud of the progress she cleared it all up and stored it away in a box that she wrote 'TOUCH AND I KILL' on the outside of. The chunky clock reading one she let out a massive sigh of relief, if Galloway wasn't gone then he should be on his way to leaving, thus making the mess hall absolutely safe.

With a skip in her step Roxie carelessly walked out of the room and ventured down the hall.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" Every muscle, every cell of blood and her heart froze. If she had checked the hall first she would have spotted him and locked herself in the room. Instead she had been an idiot and had walked right into his path.

Fear took over her mind and body entirely, she ran. She ran like her had back in the forest to get away from her father and the doctors. He was behind her yelling," STOP! SOMEBODY STOP THAT CIVILIAN!" His voice made her run faster to the point where she knew if she tripped she would be royally screwed.

She got the main area and started looking for anywhere to hide or anyone to help her. A spot of blue to the far back sent her in that direction," Jolt! Please help me!"

Jolt had been in a light recharge when his sensors picked up a frantic heart beat which was quickly followed by Roxie's plea for help. "What is your problem femme?"

"Please let me hide your back seat! I don't want Galloway to find me please!" Roxie had moved to the other side of Jolt so she could crouch down out of plain sight. She heard Galloway exit the hallway, escalating her fear to cause tears.

Jolt didn't understand this irrational fear she had of Director Galloway, yes he was a pompous conniving human slagger that wanted their weapon technology and/or their presence gone from Earth, but nothing  to warrant these levels of fear. She was physically shaking with a dangerously elevated heart rate, his medical programming told him to do whatever possible to relieve her of her condition. But it wasn't his programming that made him open his back door and gruffly tell her to get in. It was the hummed melody he had heard yesterday that convinced him to help her. Which was still something he needed to discuss with Ratchet. For all of the evening and most of the night his recharge had been haunted by the song.

Curled up in a ball on the floor of the back seat Roxie whispered over and over," Thank you Jolt."

When Galloway came towards them Jolt tinted his windows so it would be near impossible to see anything in his interior. He stopped in front of Jolt and demanded," Hey you, did you see the civilian girl that came in here?"

" What civilian girl? The only civilian female I know of is Mikeala Banes, and she is not on base. I haven't seen anyone but you, I've been in recharge the whole time." Jolt kept his voice snippy to make it clear he was not interested in the man's presence and wanted to be left alone.

A huff to his voice Galloway pointed at him," If I find out you're letting a civilian stay here without getting government approval there will be consequences." The warning given Galloway went on hid way to get away from the robot infested hellhole he had endured for the past three days.

The stupid human well out of sensor range Jolt turned his attention back to the femme in his interior. Her heart rate had returned to normal and her body had stopped shaking but she was still crying," He's gone femme, you can continue on your way."

Roxie did her best to calm down and stop her tears so she could move. Stumbling out of the back seat Roxie sniffed," Th-thank you Jolt. I really owe you one."

"You owe me nothing femme. You are to be protected from the Decepticons. If you were arrested and removed from here you would be an open target. If I were to let all that happen Ratchet would throw every wrench on base at my helm and any other tools he could get his hands on." Jolt shut his door and began to roll away while grumbling all this.

Feeling a bit more sturdy Roxie ran ahead of the blue bot and deliberately put herself in his path. Giving him a determined scowl she told him in her absolute tone," You can say and think what you want Jolt, but I'm going to repay you some way or other. If Will and Ironhide aren't getting out of it, neither are you." Though he was in his alt-mode Roxie could feel Jolt's own scowl.

They continued the stare down until the sound of voices started to approach. Not wanting to explain what had happened with Galloway and why he was having a staring match with the femme Jolt vented," Fine! You can give me a wash or something. Insufferable femme."

"You got it Jolt, just let me know when." Figuring that Jolt didn't want to explain things she gave a smile and a wave then left for the mess hall.

Ratchet and Ironhide had entered the main hangar just in time to see the smile and wave. Once they judged her to be out of ear shot they approached the younger medic that had changed to his bi-pedal mode. "What was that about Jolt?"

"I just let her know that Galloway had left. Why is she so scared of that piece of human scrap? There's nothing really scary about him." A half truth followed by a diverting question always worked best for those situations and Jolt was an expert at it from his past experiences.

Ratchet and Ironhide exchanged a look. Switching to comm Ironhide asked, 'How do you not know? She told us the day she woke up.'

'If you recall Jolt had left before then.' Ratchet pointed out this fact, earning a frown from Jolt at the reminder of his lost argument.

'What did she tell you?' Jolt was starting to get impatient from the lack of answers and from his disturbed recharge.

Knowing that Ironhide wouldn't be able to repeat the incident without adding unnecessary swear words Ratchet supplied the story. Jolt listened and slowly came to understand where the femme's fear had come from. The equivalent to her experience would be a youngling being captured by the Decepticons and just barely escaping before Soundwave could hack into their systems for information. 'To that girl Galloway is Megatron himself. If possible keep him away from her, the girl has endured enough hardship without having one of her worst nightmares come back into her life.' Jolt didn't need to know this, he'd already done just that.

'And if you ever get the chance give the slagger a good zap in the aft. You could probably get away with it by claiming accidental discharge.' Ironhide smiled darkly at the thought of Galloway suffering whenever he sat down on his government empowered aft.

Jolt actually considered doing this but gave no indication of agreement in fear of Ratchet 'reminding' him of Prime's rule on not harming humans. "Oh, and just a heads up. Simmons is back. We haven't told him about Roxanne yet since we don't know if they might have a history as well." Ratchet added this out loud so that any other soldiers walking around would know as well. Simmons wasn't entirely disliked, he was just hard to tolerate sometimes.

Rolling his optics Jolt grumbled," Great. Now all we need is all the other human younglings and we can have a party." Jolt meant his words to be an indirect complaint but instead was taken as an idea from Ratchet.

"That might not be a bad idea. It'll make Roxanne feel more comfortable and we can celebrate Annabelle's birthday." Ratchet muttered this out loud, earning a thoughtful look from Ironhide and plain disbelief from Jolt. Throwing his hands up in defeat Jolt went off to the med bay. The older bots shrugged it off and continued to make plans that were sent along to Optimus for approval.

-In The Deserted Sands of Los Vegas-

"Oof!" Cyclonus let out the grunt as he made impact with the old metal wall of the abandoned army bunker they currently resided in.

Starscream paced forward, his face plates pulled back in a snarl." You worthless scrap heap, how hard is it to capture a human? You just had to swoop down and grab her, instead you nearly offline her! Be grateful I'm not Megatron, otherwise you would  be nothing but spare parts now!"

"So I got a little carried away! She's still online right? So no harm done. OW!" As Cyclonus talked Starscream's temper had risen.

Lunging forward Starscream took hold of Cyclonus by the throat and pinned him against the wall," You cannot claim that harm wasn't done, you didn't stick around long enough to ensure it! If I didn't need you I would rip off your wings and legs and leave you out in the sand to be buried."

"Starscream, I've gotten more information on the target." Demolisher had entered the room and interrupted just in time to save Cyclonus's throat from being crushed.

Starscream released his hold to drop Cyclonus to the floor," If this information isn't useful you will be joining him Demolisher."

Demolisher, another tank 'Con, gave Cyclonus a glance before reporting," I've managed to find another human that can lead us to our target. And the human authorities also have a warrant out for her capture. If they get her then it's likely the Autobots can't protect her."

"Well done Demolisher. See to it that the humans searching for her are tracked, I want to know the very nanosecond if they get to her first. Give Cyclonus the information on the other fleshy. He will locate and learn what he can about the target. And if he screws this up I'll tear off each and every limb then leave him for Megatron to finish, am I clear?" Starscream had put his hands behind his back to speak as he thought things over. Soundwave had contacted them the day after Cyclonus' failure to inform them that Megatron and his top strategist Thrust was on their way to Earth and would arrive in eight Earth days. There were only four days left until they arrived, if Starscream didn't get his hands on the fleshling femme before then then his whole plan to gain an upper hand on Megatron would be ruined. 'In a situation like this I best make a back up plan. I will not let an opportunity such as this slip past me.' Starscream's pacing had led him to the only window that looked out into the desert that was blazing from the midday sun.
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